VILIM ball return form Please, fill the following form and our team will contact you with further instructions. If there is any problem with Vilim Ball fill "Technical Support" form (Don't forget to check your spam/junk folder) Name


    VILIM ball serial number

    Date bought

    What neurological condition do you have?

    1. What tremors do you have?

    2. How many days in total did you use the VILIM ball?

    3. Please rate the severity of your tremor before you use the VILIM ball. From 0 (I don't have any) to 4 (Extreme tremor).

    4. What is your age?

    5. At what age did your tremor started to appear?

    6. Have you used the VILIM ball for at least 14 days (3 times per day) to make it fully personalized?

    (If not, we recommend to try the device slightly longer) 7. Do you have any resting tremors?

    (If not, have you tried to use other VILIM ball holding positions to increase the effectiveness of the device? Try these tips to increase the effectiveness of the therapy. Link to video: YouTube )

    8. How many times per day did you use the VILIM ball after the initial 2 week period?

    9. Please rate how much VILIM ball therapy has helped you to reduce your tremors from 0 (did not help at all) and 10 (reduced all my tremors).

    10. If you are not satisfied with the effectiveness of the VILIM ball, have you tried taking a break and not using it (for example, 3 days off)?

    (If not, take a note that taking a break allows better assessment the device effectiveness. Contact us to extend your return period.)

    11. Did any of your relatives or friends noticed any reduction of your tremor? You can write your comments in text box

    (It can be challenging to notice a gradual reduction in tremors. Others may be able to assess the improvement more objectively)

    12. Have you been using Steady Hands app to evaluate your hand tremor? If yes, sharing your registered account email would help us improve the device.

    (Steady Hands app you can be downloaded for free at Android and iOS)
    (By providing email you agree that your tremor movement data can be used for research and development purposes)

    13. Please add additional information about your illness/other conditions and used medications while using the VILIM ball?

    14. Does the VILIM ball contain usage marks ,e.g. is damaged?

    (If the returned device requires complex refurbishing, refund may be reduced)

    15. Does it have all accessories?

    (Refund amount might be reduced if accessories are not returned)

    16. Describe your experience while using the VILIM ball.

    17. Why do you want to return the VILIM ball?

    18. What other devices or medications have you tried before? Have they provided you with any benefits?

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